Child’s Play Dental is a unique dental treatment facility located in the well – established Horizon Park Dental Centre on the West Rand.
Child’s Play Dental focuses on delivering expert high quality dental treatment to children and teens!
The founder and owner of Child’s Play Dental is Dr Tashnim Bagus, who is no stranger to this community. She started her private practice career at the Horizon Park Dental Centre in 1997, after graduating with her Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS) Degree from the University of the Witwatersrand. She went on to expand her dental private practice career by gaining further work experience in the United Kingdom.
Over the past twelve years, Dr Bagus has been a lecturer and Course Co-ordinator in the Department of Paediatric and Restorative Dentistry at the School of Oral Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, where she also obtained her MSc Dent Degree in Paedodontics in 2013. Her interests in dental education has seen her head up several Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS) Undergraduate Programmes in the Preclinical and Clinical divisions of the Paediatric and Restorative Dentistry Department, as well as the Course Co-ordinator for Integrated Learning at the School of Oral Health Sciences. Dr Tashnim Bagus has also represented the School of Oral Health Sciences on various Faculty of Health Sciences committees at the University of the Witwatersrand, including the Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee, the Faculty Transformation Committee, School of Oral Health Sciences Undergraduate Committee, Faculty Readmissions Committee.
She continues to be involved with the teaching & training of dental students, as well as research and mentoring of staff and students at the Wits Oral Health Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Her passion for helping and treating children and special needs patients has given rise to Child’s Play Dental, where she is committed to uplifting the Oral Health of these patients, and assisting their parents and caregivers with maintaining optimal oral health, by tailoring the treatment required to meet their unique dental treatment needs! Her extensive experience both clinically and academically has allowed her to combine her passions of teaching and serving the needs of her patients. She recognizes that children are indeed different anatomically, physiologically and emotionally. This makes their dental treatment needs quite unique.